Shedding light on bat behaviour: conservation research project

Bats & lighting resources

Stone, E.L. (2013). Bats and lighting: Overview of current evidence and mitigation. University of Bristol, UK (Download a copy of this guidance document here).

Emery, M. (2008) Effect of street-lighting on bats. Project Report, Urbis Street Lighting.

Bat Conservation Trust (2007) Bats and lighting in the UK.

Fure, A. (2006) Bats and lighting. The London Naturalist, 85.

Institution of Lighting Engineers (2005). Guidance notes for the reduction of obtrusive light.Report.

Rydel, J. Baagoe, H.J. (1996) Bats and Streetlamps. Bats Magazine, 14, pp.10-13.

Jones, J. (2000) Impact of lighting on bats. Report, London Biodiversity Partnership.

Longcore, T., & Rich., C. (2004) Ecological Light Pollution. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2,191-198. (Pdf document providing a review of the the ecological impacts of light).

Equipment & technical

New Analook W 3.7p software released. This is the new beta version which updates Analook W 3.3 October 2006. As it is a beta version it still may have some bugs but is an improvement on the previous version.

Links: About bats

Statistics & Research Methods

Free online text book on Inferential Statistics.The materials on this site may be freely used for any non-commercial educational purpose.

Online R Training and Resources. This is a great resource for all you need to know about R, with links to tutorials, manuals and downloads its the place to be.

Hyper Stat online An online statistics book with links to other statistics resources on the web.

Links: Training